1. do u think u're hot?
I'm cool ... peace
2. upload ur favorite pic of u!
At the moment, this is my fav pic. It being taken during fasting eve this yr at uncle mr m.a.n house
3. why do u like that pic?
All member of family in the picture
4. when was the last time u ate pizza?
Last week, beli kat pasar malam, pizza apa ntah namanya tp sedap, base nya lembut, mlm ni ada pasar malam kat umah aku, sapa nak pesan leh order, balik keje ni aku singgah jap.
5. the last song u listen to?
Ntah la, tadi nak g keje dgr Hot.Fm
6. what r u doing rite now besides this?
Pegang tisu, hidung ni sepanjang masa asyik bermukus jer.
7. what name would u prefer besides yours?
people to tag:
1. zana
2. ita
3. dyla - member blogger baru...
4. hairi
5. zaini
8. who is no one?
My informer, tak de dia, gosip lambat sampai.. ahaks jgn marah
9. no 3 is having a relationship with?
belum kenal lagi la.... member blog baru, lpas ni kita rapat-rapat lg k.
10.say something about no 5?
no 5 ni, aku tgk blog dia dah lama exist tp apasal asyik beku jer, hang duk kat kutub ka???
11.who's no 4?
no 4 sapa ekk... aku pun tak ingat camne leh baik ngan famili ko, but i know i knew him.
12.who is no 2?
no 2 my ex house-mate masa zaman bujang dulu... best dia ni, rajin uruskan umah, untung lah laki dia.
hi awak..
oooo tag ni hari tu sy dah buat la awak.... soweee yer... lain kali kalau kene tag , sy jawab k.. leh excuse tak? hehehhe...
ini YM sy: dalila_ir
tp sy tak selalu sgt online.sbb.... erm susah time kije.
astik to dyla...
tak perasan la.. no problem.
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